Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Finaly! Christmas was just around the corner and I couldn't wait.I counted every day until Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we had a really fun open house. Lots of People came. When it was time to go to bed I couldn't sleep. After a while, I finally fell asleep. My dream was a good one, it involved Edward Cullen. When I woke up I was ecstatic! My parents had a strict rule, No waking them up before 9! How unfair. I thought to myself. I jumped out of bed and dashed into my brother's room. "Hey" he called. How'd he know it was me? Was I that loud??? "Are you excited??" I whispered. I certanly was. My brother, Riley, and I were so bored that we decided on a movie to watch. We picked out Quantam Of Solace. It was OK. A bit boring at parts, but the action was good.Finaly it was time. I scurried out the door to our T.V. room and sprinted down the hall. "WAKE UP!!!" I shouted. As I ran into my parent's room I slid and hurt my ankle. "OWWWW!!" I yelped. I quickly got up and pulled the sliver out of my ankle. "time to go". I said, bossing them around.After that we opened all our presents. I think that last Christmas was the best ever!! I learnt that giving is WAYYYY better than reciving gifts.


ib said...

do you always celebrate x mass? seems like tons of fun. good use of words too.

J Reiser said...

Your writing was very expressive and you learned a great lesson.

angelaagustinus said...

you described every single sentence very clearly.
I can image the "hyper excited Cass" and..the "boring expressionless Riley"
Great job Cass !

AnnaR said...

Hey again. I am so tired. My birthday past last Friday. I had soo much fun. I had all my friends over at my house.

AnnaR said...

Hey it is anna again. I am so bored because i didn't get enough sleep! Ugh! I have a softball tournament Febuary 27th. In Pekin. I don't want the blog to end nice meeting you! You sound awesome and nice!!!

BYE :( :( :(

~Anna~ BYe
